Do you want to take your ScrollMagic and GreenSock skills to the next level?

Do you want to take your ScrollMagic and GreenSock skills to the next level?
Have you always wanted to start learning ScrollMagic, but didn’t know where to start?
The brand new website from the very talented team at Waaark Studio contains some very bold transitions, gentle micro-interactions and playful UI animations.
Are you curious what will you learn inside of the upcoming ScrollMagic Workshop?
Check out the video below where I reveal one of the projects that we will build from start to finish.
Are you struggling to get your head around the ScrollMagic API? Do you find it hard to learn from the official ScrollMagic documentation?
Last week I had the privilege to run the official GreenSock training at Mi9 in Sydney. Here is a quick look behind the scenes.
Have you always wanted to learn GreenSock but didn’t know where to start?
Or you always feel like you don’t have enough time?
Are you wondering how was the hair effect on created? Was it SVG, WebGL or HTML5 Canvas?
Find out in this short video deconstruction.