After 2 months of hard work, I am very excited to finally launch the brand new React Workshop.

After 2 months of hard work, I am very excited to finally launch the brand new React Workshop.
Are you wondering what will you learn in the React 101 and React Workshop online courses?
Here is a sneak peak of the two demos, that we will build step by step using React.js.
Go to React 101 Go to React Workshop
And here are the links to the demos mentioned in the video:
In this React Currency Converter demo you will learn:
In this React Google Maps demo you will learn:
What do you think about these React demos? Do you have any questions related to the upcoming React 101 and React Workshop courses? Let me know in the comments.
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Are you switching to VSCode and looking for some useful extensions? Below is a collection of my favorite VSCode extensions.
In the previous article we’ve learned how to create basic shapes using Pixi.js, now lets look at how to work with images.
As we’ve discussed in the HTML5 Canvas Guide, there are a few libraries out there that are worth looking into if you want to create something interactive with HTML5 Canvas.
Have you ever wanted to spice up your website with some interactive elements, but didn’t know which library to use or where to start?
An increasing number of top websites are leveraging the power of HTML5 Canvas
elements to render some pretty cool effects.
If, like me, you’ve always wanted to create something cool with canvas
, keep reading.
Great day out with the wife, Val Head and her dad.
Have you seen the emerging trend of a glitch effect creeping into some websites?
Are you wondering how some of these effects were created?