Have you ever wanted to pin a section and be in full control of the animation inside?
Today we’ll create a template with two pinned sections and simple timeline for both of them.
Have you ever wanted to pin a section and be in full control of the animation inside?
Today we’ll create a template with two pinned sections and simple timeline for both of them.
When you are creating a site with fullscreen background images, you will need to consider adding a preloading screen at some point.
Even if you optimize the images the best you can, downloading them might take a time and your visitors might get frustrated.
In this third template we are introducing GreenSock and a parallax effect on the background images.
Last time we have created A Simple ScrollMagic Template with intro screen and 3 full screen slides.
Today we will add a few blocks of content that only take as much space as the content inside of them.
I call them break sections.
Have you tried to use ScrollMagic to trigger some CSS and JS animations, but was it over your head?
Don’t worry, you are not alone.
When you browse through some of the award winning websites, you might be wondering how did they build it?
Are they using GreenSock, Velocity or Pixi.js? Are they using CSS or JavaScript animations, jQuery or vanilla JavaScript?
What happens when you mix GreenSock, SVG and a match? Find out in the following demo:
How did I setup the SVG for the Google Logo animation? Why did I choose GreenSock and how did I animate the individual parts of the logo?