After a long time in making, I am very excited to announce that the new lineup of my premium online courses will be available for purchase from the 18th of August 2020.

What is Practical GreenSock?

Practical GreenSock is a bundle of 3 online courses teaching you how to create more advanced animations and effects using GreenSock, ScrollTrigger and vanilla JavaScript.
All 3 courses are suitable for intermediate to advanced developers and designers.
Here is the breakdown of all 3 courses included in Practical GreenSock, watch the first unit from each of them to learn more.

- Projects Slider (*) – starter project – watch the first unit
- Pen Reveal (*) – starter project – watch the first unit
- Bella – main project – watch the first unit
* Free Upgrade for Existing Students
Anyone who has purchased at least one of my “closed” premium courses gets free access to Projects Slider and Pen Reveal from today.
Simply login to your account and start any of these two GSAP3 and ScrollTrigger courses today.
Enjoy this as a gift for all your support over the last few years. Thank you!
Enter to Win Practical GreenSock
To celebrate the re-launch of my premium courses I am also giving away 5 copies of Practical GreenSock.
Congratulations to the winners:
a Rafflecopter giveawayCheers
Great, just what was I expecting… thanks Petr.
Thanks Harold and good luck!
Nice page transitions and animations onLoad, really looking forward to learn greensock nitty gritty with this amazing course!
Good luck Sankha!
Each time i see or watch things, I learn things !
Keep it up !
Thank you.
Let’s get ready to add some nice and smooth animations to our next project! 😃
Sounds great!
Ha awesome!
Awesome Philippe, good luck!
Awesome effects, they look great! I always wanted to learn how to create these smooth effects using GreenSock, especially the header tilt effect and the hover animations with images appearing 😀
Good luck Vlad!
portfolio section looks amazing and tricky as well, will see how you accomplish that part
Thanks Ali!
Thanks for everything you do! It’s greatly appreciated. Certainly learned a lot since stumbling across your channel! All the transitions and effects look amazing – really excited to gain some insight into how to produce these results myself.
Thank you Martin, really appreciate your support. Good luck with the giveaway!
This new tutorial sounds exciting, as per usual! Thank you for your work, Petr. It makes me want to go further in web animation 🙂
Thanks Fanny, fingers crossed for the giveaway. Good luck.
Really excited to get to grips with the parallax and smooth scroll sections.
I like the way you structure your course to focus on the javascript and make the most efficient use of time.
Thanks Steve! Smooth is good.
Sounds pretty good, I am excited to see what you have to share
Thanks Argenis, I have share everything that is coming 😀
Here we go again. 😀
Good to see you back Dennis 😀 Good luck.
Thanks Petr
Is there any chance that you could do a module on the same implementation with Next.js?
Looking forward to trying out!
Never say never:)
Sound great, thanks Petr.
Thank you Sai!
Just receive an email and Bella course Enrollments Closed. What can I do now? 🙁
Hey Eric, Bella will be available from the 18th of August, next Tuesday. Stay tuned and good luck with the giveaway. Any other questions, let me know.
this hover effect looks very cool
Glad you make new tutorial about new version of GreenSock, looking forward to learn some cool animation from you!
You will be one of the lucky ones, I can feel it. Good luck Faizal.
The course overview looks just amazing. Thanks a lot Petr, you rock! 🙂
Congratulations with the launch! 🙌
Thanks Alex, a lot of hard work went in, I am sure you will like it. Good luck.
Is this where I leave a blog post comment? There was no where on the video link to preview Bella, where I could leave a comment.
Hi Evan, you have left it in the right place 🙂 ther is a link to the first Bella unit in the post above.
This is great! I’m looking forward to learning more about scroll triggers and interactivity.
Thanks Jeremy!
Thanks for a new GreenSock Course. Looking forward to see what to discover.
Nice Ben, thanks for the entry and good luck.
Looking forward to Modules 1 to 8 of the Bella project. 😃 Many thanks for making this course and for this giveaway!
Thank you Gerry!
Looks great, especially final project. Would be great to get this.
Thanks Mateusz!
I’m really interested in page transitions! =)
Nice course structure!
Thanks Seb, good luck too.
Always look forward to learning! Thanks again for a well structured course Petr. Can’t wait to look under the hood.
Thanks Jason, good to see you back!
Really excited about the smooth scrolling module!
Thanks Jan, I like that part of the course the most.
Well done! I can’t wait to learn something new about Gsap. Thank you.
Thanks for the entry and good luck.
Every course which is project-based is interesting for me… but Slider is little more in this “threesome” 🙂
Thanks Pete!
Nice! I want to learn more about the Parallax effect!
Good luck Dave, fingers crossed you are one the lucky ones.
I’ve always been meaning to get into GreenSock. Maybe now the time 🙂 as I am a web designer.
Maybe that is a sign Jon 🙂 Just a note that this course is more for intermediate designers and developers. GreenSock 101 is the best place to start if you completely new to GSAP and javascript animations.
Fingers crossed. Really looking to enhnace my animation skills. This would be amazing!
Fingers crossed Matt, good luck!
Well done Petr! following you since you lanched with Scroll Magic 101. Great courses. One of my favourites resources to learn code. Best!
Thank you Juan, good to see you back!
Wow this course looks awesome. I need to learn more GSAP!
You should Jon, it unlocks a whole new world of interactions and animations on the web.
I had the privilege to check out Petr’s demo and I was blown away. This is simply the best Greensock course. Petr should win the “Teacher of the year” award. I can’t wait to check out the full course. Thanks so much, Petr!
Haha, I am not sure about the “teacher of the year”, but I am humbled by your kind words Min. Thank you!
Thank Petr I’m looking forward to be able to use scroll trigger!
Thanks Charles!
So exciting!! I can’t wait to dive into this one! Thank you!!
Thanks Ashley, I think you will like it! Good luck.
Awesome! GSAP really helps unlock a whole new world in front end.
Yep, GSAP is awesome and so powerful. Good luck Peter!
Smooth scrolling sounds very interesting. I can´t more to finish this course.
Sounds smooth Hector, good luck.
Really interesting
I just checked my mail inbox and happy to hear from you
Cheers from Mexico 🇲🇽
Greetings to Mexico Dario!
woohoo excited for the new launch, can’t wait!! 😀
Good luck Royden!
Exceptional visual direction & navigation on Bella! Thanks for selecting such a beautiful example!
Thank you!
Love your old gsap courses can’t wait for the new stuff!!
Nice one Brent, I think this one is the best one 🙂
Thanks Steve!
Thank you for all the tutorials you do! I always learn a lot from them.
Thanks Patricia, that mean a lot to me. Good luck!
Awesome, can’t wait. Been needing a little more creativity in my work lately.
Nice smooth animations and practical demo project(s). Thanks for making and sharing.
Looking so awesome! Waiting for any updates on this bundle
I excited about all of it – so it’s tricky to choose something above the others! I am looking forward to seeing the opening and transition animations!
Looking forward to it. Thanks for all of your tutorials Petr!
Thanks Andy. Good luck.
Working with GSAP for clients has twice saved my (monthly) earnings.
I strongly believe Petr’s new course will save your money and time.
Thanks Petr, looking forward to seeing your next site breakdown and the new course.
Nice video… a really nice teaser for your course. Hope to see more!
This is great Petr… can’t wait to use GS3!
Looking forward to this great initiative
Looks great! Can’t wait to learn more
I have been using classic GreenSock animation plugin (GSAP) from 2017 to 2018. But since 2019, I stopped using GSAP to train and force myself to improve on my vanilla JavaScript and practise more on pure CSS animations and integrate SVG graphics into my web projects in my current company. But when one particular project needed the use of GSAP, I was shocked to find out how much the syntax and documentation have changed a fair bit and differed so much from what I learnt prior end-2018, so I am forced to relearn GSAP from scratch.
I sincerely hope that the upcoming course materials can be arrived sooner, as I would be needing it for an upcoming interactive company pet project, akin to a browser game!
I’ll learn a lot with Bella! I don’t even know how to start doing all those awesome effects!
Hey Petr,
Portfolio and left navigation which changes section’s background colour looks amazing, looking forward to learning.
Content Keeps getting better 🙂 I’m way excited to learn about the page transitions and gsap animations with ScrollTrigger and smooth scroll. Looking forward to exploring new things 🙂
Hi Petr,
Bella projects is awesome. Would love to learn it. Amazing work. keep doing it.
Bella looks awesome!
I would say Bella.
I love all your courses. Specially React courses. I learned a lot from you.