Tag Archives: animations

CSS and JavaScript Animations on the web

The guide to JavaScript animations for the web

This is a second part of a guide helping front-end developers to choose the right approach when it comes to animations on the web.

Are you wondering whether to use CSS3 or JavaScript animations? This part explains your JavaScript options and reveals the best JavaScript animation tools available.

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CSS and JavaScript Animations on the web

The guide to CSS animations for the web

Have you been asked by your client, boss or designer to create some nice animations on the next web project?

They say: “I have seen this cool effect on the other site, can you do something similar?” or “I have this idea for an animation, can you do it?” and you go: “Sure I can.” or “Hm, I don’t know…”

Tip of the day: Never say “No, I can’t do it.” That’s not what a modern front-end developers say.

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Simple parallax scrolling tutorial

Simple parallax scrolling tutorial

I have received many messages and a positive feedback regarding my recent parallax website tutorial. Based on your feedback I have decided to create another tutorial, this time aimed more towards a junior and mid developers.

I will try to explain everything in more detail and you can also download the starting files to follow the tutorial step by step.

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Be Moved – HTML, CSS, JavaScript explained

Sony’s “Be Moved” website deconstructed

We all know that parallax websites are currently the most talked about topic in web design and development. This trend doesn’t show any signs of slowing down and plenty of great parallax websites are popping up like mushrooms after the rain.

The Be Moved page by Sony certainly stands out from the crowd.

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Let’s have a closer look under the hood of this visually engaging site.

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Web Development

Happy holidays

I would like to take a minute and thank all my clients and YOU all my valuable readers for being a part of this amazing journey. You all made the 2013 a very special one.

I hope you enjoyed some of my posts, and a big thank you for leaving a comment or sharing on social networks. It makes a big difference and helps to create a better community of curious web developers and designers. A community where we learn by doing and where we share what we learn. This ultimately helps us to create a better websites for our clients and customers.

And now to the fun part of this festive season.

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