This worked fine locally but the build was failing when it was deployed to Vercel.
Error: error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line
Here is the screenshot of the log.
After hours of debugging, calling for help and swearing at it, I had a look at how gatsby-source-google-spreadsheets works and there was the answer.
The Fix
To fix the issue I had to add .replace(/(\\r)|(\\n)/g, '\n') after the private_key.
if (isDev) return process.env.private_key.replace(/(\\r)|(\\n)/g, '\n')
if (isProd) return process.env.private_key.replace(/(\\r)|(\\n)/g, '\n')
if (isStaging) return process.env.private_key.replace(/(\\r)|(\\n)/g, '\n')
Happy times.
I am sure someone smarter than me can explain in the comments what exactly this regex does, I just know that it replaces \n with real line breaks.
We have two transitions leave() and enter(), but this time we are passing trigger to the loaderIn function and next to the loaderAway function.
How to scale up from where the user clicked
Each Barba.js hook receives the same data argument that contains the current and next page properties, it also includes trigger that is the link that triggered the transition.
function loaderIn(trigger) {
// get the size of the clicked trigger element
const { height, width, top, left } = trigger.getBoundingClientRect();
const triggerTop = Math.floor(top);
const triggerLeft = Math.floor(left);
const triggerWidth = Math.floor(width);
const triggerHeight = Math.floor(height);
// get viewport size, this will be used for scaling up the loader
const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
const loaderSize = viewportHeight > viewportWidth ? viewportHeight*2 : viewportWidth*2;
We are firstly getting the dimensions of the trigger and its top and left offset relative to the viewport using the javascript getBoundingClientRect() method.
Secondly, we are getting the size of the viewport to be able to resize the loader accordingly.
Because the loader will always scale up from the center of the clicked element we need to make sure it is twice the size of the viewport.
How to use GreenSock for page transitions
Now we need to create a GreenSock timeline that will scale the loader up.
Remember Barba.js only replaces the content of the data-barba="container”. This means that the body class would stay the same when navigating between the pages.
We have to manually update it like this:
function loaderAway(next) {
We are passing the next page to the loaderAway(next) function.
Inside of it, we are firstly removing the class attribute from the body tag and then applying the class that we have defined on the incoming page container as data-class="is-page-2”.
This will make sure that the body class is updated before we reveal the incoming page.
Reveal the new page
Now we have the whole page covered by the scaled-up loader, Barba updated the page under the loader and we are ready to reveal it.
The loader is a simple div, with a border-radius set to 100% to appear as a circle.
And that is it, now you know how to create a circular page transition using Barba.js and GreenSock. If you are new to GreenSock, checkout GreenSock 101 where you can learn even more about this powerful animation library.
Have you seen any cool page transitions that you would like to see covered in my future page transitions tutorial?