
A collection of GSAP3 and ScrollTrigger demos based on an award winning website.

Module 1 Intro, navigation and header.
Unit 1 PGB - 01 - Course Introduction - 5:46  - Preview
Unit 2 PGB - 02 - Navigation Links - 8:00
Unit 3 PGB - 03 - Navigation toggleClass - 3:48
Unit 4 PGB - 04 - Navigation Away - 10:48
Unit 5 PGB - 05 - Padding bottom hack - 7:00
Unit 6 PGB - 06 - Mouse move event - 7:03
Unit 7 PGB - 07 - Header left images - 11:14
Unit 8 PGB - 08 - Header completed - 1:53
Module 2 Reveal Gallery
Unit 1 PGB - 09 - Reveal Gallery Overview - 7:08
Unit 2 PGB - 10 - Reset image position - 6:15
Unit 3 PGB - 11 - Reveal Image - 7:14
Unit 4 PGB - 12 - Center Text - 8:42
Unit 5 PGB - 13 - Reveal Text - 10:05
Unit 6 PGB - 14 - Media Queries in JS - 9:20
Unit 7 PGB - 15 - Remove Event Listeners, killTweensOf - 9:53
Module 3 Portfolio
Unit 1 PGB - 16 - Portfolio Overview - 7:04  - Preview
Unit 2 PGB - 17 - Portfolio mouse enter - 10:36
Unit 3 PGB - 18 - Portfolio mouse leave - 3:41
Unit 4 PGB - 19 - Portfolio mouse move - 9:40
Module 4 Parallax Images and Fixed Navigation
Unit 1 PGB - 20 - Parallax Images Overview - 4:35
Unit 2 PGB - 21 - Parallax ScrollTrigger - 8:50
Unit 3 PGB - 22 - Pin Navigation - 6:06
Unit 4 PGB - 23 - Highlight active item - 9:57
Unit 5 PGB - 24 - Update CSS custom property - 7:01
Module 5 Smooth Scrolling
Unit 1 PGB - 25 - Scroll-jacking - 9:07  - Preview
Unit 2 PGB - 26 - Smooth Scrolling Overview - 2:42
Unit 3 PGB - 27 - ScrollTo Section - 5:34
Unit 4 PGB - 28 - Smooth Scrolling with GSAP Part I - 10:27
Unit 5 PGB - 29 - Smooth Scrolling with GSAP Part II - 10:08
Unit 6 PGB - 30 - Smooth ScrollBar Setup - 3:07
Unit 7 PGB - 31 - Smooth ScrollBar - 12:58
Module 6 Loading Animation
Unit 1 PGB - 32 - Loading Animation Overview - 7:20
Unit 2 PGB - 33 - Loading Animation In - 11:00
Unit 3 PGB - 34 - Loading Animation Out - 11:43
Unit 4 PGB - 35 - Optimizing Loader - 6:16
Unit 5 PGB - 36 - Loading Progress Bar - 8:55
Unit 6 PGB - 37 - Images Loaded - 12:33
Module 7 Page Transitions
Unit 1 PGB - 38 - Setup Barba.js - 11:11
Unit 2 PGB - 39 - How to use VSCode Debugger - 5:43
Unit 3 PGB - 40 - Page Transition Timeline Part I - 9:03
Unit 4 PGB - 41 - Page Transition Timeline Part II - 6:05
Unit 5 PGB - 42 - Animate Barba.js Containers - 7:25
Module 8 Final Overview
Unit 1 Final Integration & Overview
Unit 2 Launch Bonuses