Exclusive Download Party: Grab Your Purchased Videos

Hey there, curious developers,

Big announcement time: Ihatetomatoes is closing its doors in two months! But before I wave the final goodbye, I am throwing an exclusive download party just for you – all my students.

All the videos you’ve purchased are up for grabs. You can download ’em and keep ’em safe for future reference.

To get in on the action, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to Ihatetomatoes using your credentials.
  2. Head over to your purchased course and pick videos you want to keep.

Need a little extra help? Use Vimeo Downloader extension for Chrome. It’s like having a personal assistant for all your downloading needs!

But don’t delay – time’s ticking, and once the site is gone, it is gone. So let’s make the most of this download party!

To my amazing bunch at Ihatetomatoes,

You guys are the real MVPs of this learning adventure! Thanks for being the coolest crew around and for making teaching feel more like hanging out with friends. Keep rocking those brain cells, and remember, the world’s your oyster – go crack it open!

With heaps of gratitude and high-fives,

37 thoughts on “Exclusive Download Party: Grab Your Purchased Videos

    1. Petr Tichy Post author

      Yes, Sourav. I am focusing on another project and can’t keep this site running. Of course I will make sure whoever purchased anything can still access the videos.

  1. Kurt Kokoruz

    I came back to this site and the courses I had purchased to see this notice. I do not know how I would go about downloading the videos for the course I am enrolled in because Vimeo Restricts them. Is there another option or download link? Can you enable the download feature in Vimeo so that a user can download the videos if they are logged in to this domain?

    1. Petr Tichy Post author

      Hey Kurt, are you not able to download the videos using the extension I suggested? I have already enabled the download option in Vimeo settings.

      1. Shaun Vine

        If any of you still need to download the videos, I found this extentsion: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/vimego-simple-video-downl/mffmjlddchdccijipncbjhoabgmphjfb?utm_source=ext_app_menu

        Download as 1080res as 4K requires a paid subscription.


  2. Clayton Timcke

    Hi Petr,

    I am unable to download the video. The extension you suggested doesn’t work. Any other suggestions?


  3. Danc Chan

    Hi Petr,

    It is sad to see this news.
    I am trying to download the videos using your suggestion. However, it doesn’t seem to work. Neither right-clicking nor installing the Vimeo downloader extension helps. Can you give me further advice?

    Your faithful student, Danc

  4. Petr Tichy Post author

    Thanks Danc for the feedback. Looks like others also having issues downloading it. I will see how else I can make them downloadable for everyone. any suggestions?

    1. Danc Chan

      I guess I don’t need to give you any suggestions, as you already opened up the download function on Vimeo. If there is still someone who has an issue downloading the video. Perhaps you can try on the below link, which I tried and work.


    2. Sven Bolz

      Hey Petr,

      as your content is – in my opinion at least – the best on topics like ScrollMagic and GSAP, it is quite sad to see it go. I do understand that it would be quite the hassle to update it and keep the same pace with developments in the field.

      What prevents the users from downloading the videos directly from your site is vimeos embedded player. They don’t allow the download option from the player, even if you as the creator make them downloadable.

      They did change some things in how they deliver their videos as well, so I guess the suggested extension isn’t in line with those changes yet.

      What I did to circumvent that situation was using the command-line tool yt-dlp (release builds are on github). I created a .txt file with all the links I wanted to download and used it as the batch file (‘-a’ parameter). Because the links are behind a login, I had to use the –cookies parameter as well. I used a fresh Firefox instance with just the ihatetomatoes cookie as the base for that.

      Another way would be to visit the videos on vimeo. The ones where you allowed downloads are indeed downloadable from there. I just preferred batch processing.

      You could add your video files to the respective courses. A zip file could bundle the downloads and the course setup should be able to manage access to those files properly.

      Thank you for your great teaching and the effort you put into this! I learned a lot from you 🙂

      1. Petr Tichy Post author

        Thanks Sven, great suggestion for the batch download, I am sure students will try the same. I will keep the site running for a bit, but then need to take it offline, can’t justify the costs of running it without selling courses.

        Appreciate your support Sven!

  5. kai liu

    Hi Petr,

    I am unable to download the video either. The extension you suggested doesn’t work. Any other suggestions?
    I wish you could find a way to ensure each of us who wants to keep these precious tutorials before you really close down the site can download the resources.


  6. Clayton Timcke

    Hi Petr,

    The Vimeo plugin seems to work on other sites – could it be that your videos are locked/hidden/private on Vimeo?

    Otherwise, could you package and make a link available for purchased members?


  7. Charbel Abi Khalil

    Hello Petr,

    I have forgotten my password, I am clicking lost my password and entering my email but it seems the reset email cannot be sent.

    I have a lot of purchased courses and I need to download them before the website is down.

    Can you help me?

  8. bilal raja

    Hi Petr,

    Very sorry to hear you’re shutting this down. Please help with downloading these videos as I have tried everything including downloading vimeo downloader but its not working…. I will really be dependant on your videos in the next few months to come so please dont shut the site down until you have figured out how we can download the videos. Let me know if you need help.


  9. RNeves

    I’m having the same problem, maybe you can zip them all and make them available as a resource on the first page of the course?

  10. Gianfilippo Coletta

    I discovered by chance (it would have been nice to be notified by email) that this site is closing.
    Like others, I also tried to download the videos, but the extension doesn’t work for me either. Please, I would like to have the opportunity to download or receive a copy of the courses in which I am enrolled. Thank you

  11. Joel Lembert

    Use this one, works similar

    First you unistall the other plugin

  12. maxdevjs

    Hi Petr,

    do you have alternatives to download the videos (perhaps a giant .zip for every course? 🤪)? The extension item is not available anymore, the mouse right click does not show any option.

    I tried [VimDown](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/vimdown-video-downloader/pbjhlkgekbmiiglmpkbmffakbbdkiine) with no luck.

  13. David O'Connell

    I only caught this today(a few months late), managed to grab the videos. Great course, it’s a shame you’ve decided to move on to a new project. You really are an excellent teacher!


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